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Title: casadesante.com
URL: https://casadesante.com/
Description: What happens when we eat fodmaps? When we eat, food passes from the mouth down the oesophagus to the stomach. In the stomach food is mixed and broken down before being slowly released into the small intestine. Enzymes in the here continue to break food down to single molecules so that it can be absorbed from the small intestine into the blood stream. Any part of food that isn't broken down or absorbed will continue its path along the digestive tract and pass into the large intestine, or colon, for elimination. There are two processes that can occur during this progression that may trigger symptoms in certain people including: Certain FODMAPs are highly osmotic and readily draw water into the small and large intestine. This can effect how fast the bowel moves, and cause diarrhoea. When FODMAPs reach the large intestine they are fermented by the bacteria that naturally live there and just like when beer is fermented, this process creates gas and bubbles. For the individual this results in abdominal distention, bloating and cramping. Casa de Sante is a gut friendly low FODMAP brand founded by Onyx Adegbola, MD PhD, a physician scientist and former pharmaceutical executive. Dr Adegbola received her PhD at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and completed her medical training at Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania. A mother of rambunctious triplets, she has observed the effectiveness of the low FODMAP diet for digestive sensitivities firsthand in her own family. Dr Adegbola is a member of Mensa who enjoys cooking and reading in her spare time.
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