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Title: https://postvapours.com/
URL: https://postvapours.com/
Description: There are slim cartridge-based vape models made by big legacy tobacco brands, aimed at people trying to give up smoking cigarettes. And then there are those vapes aimed at a slightly more underground culture, which involves people who vape because they like it, and feel reasonably confident about the health risks. There are also some tobacco heating products – Philip Morris' iQOS, for instance – that the manufacturers insist are not vapes… But for simplicity's sake, that's what we're going to call them. Certainly, one obvious use of vapes, e-cigs, vaporisers, or whatever you choose to call them, is as part of a process of giving up smoking entirely. However, we're starting from the assumption here that you're intending to vape because you like it. Because the best vapes are not only cigarette replacements, they are WAY RAD. As this video amply demonstrates.
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