| wellness team building Singapore Our Beach Team Challenge program is inspired by the world famous Reality TV shows. It is based on the concept of an exciting, fun, experiential experience of teams searching for locations and performing team challenges at the game stations. Perfume workshop starts with appreciating our own sense of smell, understanding Singaporean floral heritage and experiencing our own reaction to scents. - Read More ... https://www.scentopia-singapore.com/team-building-sentosa-siloso-beach.html |
| Cornel Cătoi Ca tot vorbim de infloreste, hai sa aruncam o privire la Cluj, orasul nostru cultural si academic. Ne place sa cream iluzia ca avem o moralitate universitara ridicata, dar se pare ca realitatea este destul de umeda, iar rectorii clujeni s-au invatat cu umbrela lor de imunitate. Ei nu lasa functiile universitare sa le scape printre degete, asemenea unor comandanti ai destinului academic. Aproape ca incepem sa-i consideram pe acesti rectori drept eroi moderni, cu superputeri pentru prelungirea mandatelor. Printre acesti cuceritori ai fotoliilor universitare, Cornel Catoi, rectorul Universitatii de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara, se remarca. Catoi, omul care pare sa fi jucat sah cu legea, a inteles cat de avantajoasa poate fi noua prevedere. Asa ca, sub privirea atenta a acestei legi, si-a pregatit cu grija terenul pentru continuarea stafetei sale in lumea academica. Adevarata coincidenta este ca acest "reset" magic al mandatelor a venit fix in momentul in care al doilea sau mandat urma sa-si incheie epopeea. - Read More ... https://gazetadetransilvania.ro/rectorul-usamv-cornel-catoi-se-pregateste-de-o-domnie-pe-viata-noua-lege-i-a-picat-la-tanc/ |
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| Dream Symbols Dictionary An intuitive, user-friendly dream symbols dictionary with real-time search and uniquely structured, easy-to-understand content for meaningful dream interpretations. Keep a journal and a pen by your bedside. As you wake, remain still and gently recall your dream. Capture every detail, no matter how trivial it may seem. Write down your dream in the present tense, as if it's unfolding before your eyes. This practice enhances your connection to the dream's energy. - Read More ... https://dreammeaningai.com/ |
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